what can custom orthotics do for me?
A good pair of custom orthotics provide the necessary support to the structures of the foot, and this affects support of other important joints – the ankle, knee and hip in particular. They can help reduce the stresses and forces that are causing the pain or injury, by restoring improved joint movements and not putting the soft tissues under any unnecessary loads and strains.
Orthotics are generally not the first choice when it comes to resolving injury problems, but if injury persists, then they may be a good option. Those who could benefit from Custom Orthotics may include athletes who pick up niggles on a regular basis, previous orthotics users whose old ones are worn out or people who may have a significant imbalance that cannot be corrected in any other way.
what is involved?
A foam casting is taken of your feet, and the custom orthotics are then manufactured specifically to match the profile and shape of your foot. They take approximately 1-2 weeks to be made, and are availability in a range of colours, lengths and with various features required to give your foot the exact support it needs.
They come with the following after sales support options:
1. 1st modification within 3 months free of charge
2. Lifetime warranty on the orthotic shell
3. 6 month warranty on the top cover due to normal wear and tear
Come and visit us
If you are ready to book your appointment please get in touch by clicking below! If you have any questions prior to booking you can call us on 0877548770 or email info@caherdavinphysicaltherapy.ie.
Come and visit us
If you are ready to book your appointment please get in touch by clicking below! If you have any questions prior to booking you can call us on 0877548770 or email info@caherdavinphysicaltherapy.ie.